Vines are so NOT 2014!
The YWCA Canberra Clubhouse functions because of the support that dedicated staff and mentors give to the program. Mentors, including the YWCA Canberra Youth Engagement Team, help young people express themselves through technology, and offer support to members as they connect their interests with technology, computers, and creative skills.
Hearing from passionate Mentors and YWCA Canberra Staff who support the YWCA Canberra Clubhouse is incredibly important. Sharing stories that illustrate the outcomes achieved and fulfilment gained from supporting the Clubhouse program helps to spread awareness on the need for this program in the community. Today, we are sharing an article written by one of our mentors, Katherine, who is also the Manager of the Mura Lanyon Youth and Community Centre, about the importance to help young people pursue their interests and be creative at the Clubhouse.
Each Tuesday I get to spend the afternoon at the YWCA Canberra Clubhouse supporting the teen only day. Each day the Clubhouse Coordinator has a structured challenge activity to engage members – this is a great tool for both the members and the mentors, especially when we are spoilt for choice with the equipment that is available at Clubhouse. Last Tuesdays challenge activity was to ‘film your own Vine, or remix a music video to create a Vine’.
You, like me may ask ‘what is a Vine?’
Well, as the members explained to me a Vine is a short-form video that is usually a funny, six second clip that tells a story or joke.
I asked the members what makes a good Vine and they came up with the following:
it’s got to be short
- It has to be funny
- physical comedy
- they are usually a play on words or acting out a pun
- taking a phrase literally
- acting out music videos.
To get some ideas for our Vines we explored one of the member’s favourite Vloggers, the Doolans, who are twin brothers from America that use their ‘twinness’ to make some cool Vines. After watching a few of them the members found a Vine that they felt we could re-enact.
We brainstormed and came up with a plan of what we would say, how we would use the physical space of the Clubhouse and who would record it. We then downloaded the Vine App on the phone, the Coordinator and one of the members did some experimenting and learnt how to use the app. Meanwhile, I worked with another member to organise the set and think up a short script: two sentences! The clip is only six seconds and the actions have to tell the story more than the words.
One member was our Director and camera person whilst, another member, myself and the Coordinator acted out the vine. We did several takes, whilst figuring out the timing, the sound, getting the script right and the lighting. We had a few times where the Directors voice was in the video so we had to problem solve ways to communicate ‘action’ without using words, and without us looking directly at the camera.
The whole process took us more than half an hour – which is crazy for just six seconds of film – but it really made us think about how much time, energy, skill, communication and planning goes into longer clips and films. After our successful first Vine we were able to come up with a few more ideas and create some more – these didn’t take as long!
We had a lot of laughs, some frustrations and mistakes, and ultimately success in completing the Vines. We all learnt some new skills whilst having fun. I can’t wait to see what challenge I get to be a part of next time at the Clubhouse!
Watch one of our Vines that plays on the phrase ‘punch this in’.
Watch one of our Vines that plays on the phrase ‘jump in the shower’.
Watch one of our Vines that plays on the phrase ‘costs an arm and a leg’.
The Clubhouse always welcomes new mentors! If you have an interest in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math and would like to volunteer in the community, register your interest, contact our Clubhouse Coordinator, Annie-Lea Rowley, at or on 0406 375 993.
Every day you can stay updated on all our highlights by keeping an eye on our Facebook and Twitter pages. You can also read our blog and subscribe to the YWCA Canberra Clubhouse quarterly newsletter!