Your organisation could be part of a global movement working for better outcomes for young people from underserved communities.
On this page, you’ll find information on how to become a Clubhouse Partner, what your support could achieve for young people in the Tuggeranong region in Canberra, and the amazing contributions our existing Partners have made to the Clubhouse so far.
Why invest in our young people?
Across classrooms, homes, and communities, the role of technology in the empowerment of young people is an important driver for their development into productive adults (Gee, 2013). Research demonstrates the importance of engaging, interest-promoting, and well-resourced out-of-school environments for supporting the learning and development of young people. These “third-spaces” represent a critical element in the ecology of opportunities for youth (Gutierrez et al., 2003; 2009).
Technology adds an exciting new dimension to this picture, by allowing young people to connect their learning across settings, identify and mobilise information resources, participate in virtual communities, and seamlessly carry forward their activities from one time and place to another.
Initiatives like the Clubhouse address this need, and support young people to develop their skills and ability to contribute to society, and enhance their chances for success. The 2013 independent evaluation of The Intel Clubhouse Network demonstrates its impact across the global membership, with 85% of Clubhouse members now planning to attend postsecondary education, and 92% of Clubhouse members “definitely” or “probably” believing that they will use skills acquired in the Clubhouse in their future careers.
The importance of partnerships
Today, over 100 Clubhouses in 20 countries reach tens of thousands of young people from underserved communities each year. Many were started with funding by Intel Corporation, which has invested $50 million since 2000. Others were started by local foundations, corporations, government agencies, and individuals who believe in the Clubhouse mission. All are supported on an ongoing basis by their own local funding sources.
The sustainability and success of the YWCA Clubhouse is determined by the support of corporate and philanthropic partnerships. These partnerships may comprise software and hardware contributions, professional mentoring for clubhouse members, and financial contributions to cover operating costs.
To discuss the exciting ways in which your organisation can contribute to the YWCA Clubhouse, contact Helen Machalias Director of Communications, Advocacy and Fundraising via Helen or (02) 6185 2000.